Friday, July 10, 2009

5 Ways to Help Protect Your Teen Driver and Yourself From the Dangers of the Road

This 5 point action plan can help to protect your teen driver and yourself from the dangers of the road.
  1. Create an Interactive Parent-Teen Driving Contract: It's and easy way to talk to your teen about safe driving. This interactive experience offers statistics and advice from experts and other parents. The Allstate Parent-Teen Driving Contract can help you and your teen upon driving rules and the consequences of breaking them.
  2. Prepare Your Teen driver: In a recent survey, 3 out of 4 teens said their parents are the biggest influence over how they drive. Not driving while on your cell phone, obeying traffic laws, and wearing a seatbelt are easy ways to lead by example.
  3. Get Involved: Keep your teen safe on the road by learning about Graduated Drivers Licensing (GDL) laws in your state, help make those laws stonger, and educating yourself with the latest driving statistics.
  4. Get Your Teen Involved: A knowledgeable teenager is a reponsible one. They can view videos about the impact of teen driving deaths here or learn all about the gravity of the teen driving epidemic at
  5. Protect Yourself: Before your teen gets behind the wheel, you should consider your insurance policy. Make sure you have the coverage that's right for you.

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