Friday, March 13, 2009

Rain or Shine - You'll Be Just Fine

(if you follow these tips...) · Be sure that the windshield wipers on your car are in top shape. The rubber on windshield wipers wears and tears quickly. We recommend that you change the wipers at least once a year, or as soon as they leave streaks. · Keep the wiper fluid filled and make sure the sprayer works – mist and light rain combined with road dust leave grimy windows that are hard to see through – especially with glare. · Turn your headlights on every time you turn your wipers on – even if the sun is beaming through the clouds. You may not feel that you have better visibility – but your headlights help other people see you. · Slow down, and use your brakes gently. · If roads are wet, double or even triple the distance you normally leave between yourself and the next car. Braking distances can be up to TEN TIMES longer on wet roads, compared to dry roads. · Don’t use cruise control in wet or slippery conditions – it may react to slipping wheels by applying more throttle. · Know your brakes: If your car has ABS, press down firmly when you have to brake hard. If you DON’T have ABS, tap and release your brakes to keep your tires from locking up and the car from spinning out.

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